Every week I send out an update to the medical school, which gets send out as part of WGW (What's Good Wednesday), an email where the associate deans of students compiles the professional and academic accomplishments and life events of the student body in an effort to help keep us connected even though we are spread out across lecture halls, campuses, and hospitals across the state. Usually populated by sporadic submissions of significance, after talking with friends before I left, I decided to twist the format to suit my needs to stay connected to my class. After the fifth week of consistent submission, my update was given it's own special place and title: Kassel's Corner.
Kassel Galaty (med20forlife) has been in Cambridge for a full month! This last week has been less travel- and activity-filled, and more lecture- and historical-fact-filled. She joined the Downing College rowing team and finally made it out on the water--the boat didn't tip over, no one fell in, and it didn't even rain. She saw a special selection of Darwin's manuscripts from the Darwin Correspondence Project for History of Science and Medicine students, where his letters from age 12, journals from the Beagle, and early notebooks and manuscripts of the Origin of Species were on display. Fun fact: very few pages of the first draft of the Origin of Species have been saved. Darwin only saved the pages that his children had drawn on the back of (picture below) (cue the awwws). She learned how to use a sextant and the rudimentary basics of celestial navigation (in the context of discussing what constitutes a scientific instrument). She caught the tail end of Guy Fawkes night (or as a Catholic classmate called it, "Catholic Burning Day"). She's headed back to London and the National Archives tomorrow for more research into the standardisation of medical records, and plans this time to actually try and explore London a little bit (stay tuned for her take on the best cheap food, the best free places to go, and the view from the cheapest theater seat she can find).
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