Every week I send out an update to the medical school, which gets send out as part of WGW (What's Good Wednesday), an email where the associate deans of students compiles the professional and academic accomplishments and life events of the student body in an effort to help keep us connected even though we are spread out across lecture halls, campuses, and hospitals across the state. Usually populated by sporadic submissions of significance, after talking with friends before I left, I decided to twist the format to suit my needs to stay connected to my class. After the fifth week of consistent submission, my update was given it's own special place and title: Kassel's Corner.
On Monday, Kassel Galaty (Med20/21) completed and submitted her first essay, entitled "A Procrustean Mould: The Failed Attempt to Standardise Medical Records in the NHS in 1965." (do note the two British spellings she used in her title. Very fond of extra vowels and resistant to the letter z, the brits are, indeed).
In the meantime, the faculty and academic staff at Cambridge are striking for better pay and maintaining pensions (the debate between defined benefit vs defined contribution is alive and well on this side of the Atlantic), so there are no more lectures or seminars for the next two weeks. I know, I'm bummed too.
In the meantime, confronted with what is essentially an early start to winter break, she's having to fill her time with other activities. So far, she went to one of the Cambridge University Symphony Orchestra's concerts (Tchaikovsky Symphony no. 5. was a real highlight, highly recommend), has made a lot of mulled wine and some caraway-rosemary shortbread to go with it, and returned to Anglesey Abbey for some autumnal colors. She saw two old lion statues. How old? Well, check out the dates graffitied onto their paws. She'll continue to find ways to occupy her time and then tell you all about it. Cheers!
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